SO I'M GONNA MAKE AN ANIMATION OUT OF THEM!!!!!Oh,and Just for clarity,I can animate but not with Flash.I use Scratch,wich I guess is why everyone is calling me a faggot.
So,anyway,I'm using a new version of BYOB to make the Penguin Chat thing.
What is BYOB you ask?!?!?!?!!?!!?!
BYOB is a program that has EVERYTHING that Scratch does,except it contains more commands,and you can make your own too(below)
MY VOLUME ISN'T WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A LL THE VOLUME SLIDERS ARE TURNED UP AND STILL NO SOUND!?!?!?!?WHY!!?!???????SOMEONE TELL ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway,I was using 2.0 and upgraded to 3.0.Only problem is,Scratch and BYOB use the .sb file format and save it too!!!
But BYOB 3 can OPEN .sb files but SAVES files as .ypr!And files saved in ANY version of BYOB won't open in the published Scratch code.And the penguin chat engine.....the reason I used BYOB was because I didn't know that you could hack and use MESH in Scratch.Also,one user knows how to JavaScript a project.Seems interesting.......Anyway,The PenguinChat engine isn't gonna be out for a while because of difficulties.....You can play the Demo version here, but it isn't ad-hoc whatsoever,(that line was so you guys don't throw a fit when you try playing).Below are 2 screenshots in a single image file: