Why is Newgrounds making all these ads to say we're d*cks for using adblock?"Hey kids, if we're using adblock.......drinking habits.....puppet wife!"I don't remember what exactly the ad says,but it's really stupid.What's next?Unestablished forum signature images replaced with these evil puppets?DO WE CARE???NO!!!
Also,check out PUTH 6 if you haven't.
Last winter,If you've been paying attention when watching Pyros Under The Hood(HOOFFFF!says Cosmo the horse fanatic),you knew that I retired my slavelike existence in the Martial Arts realm.Well!Old ghosts are putting me under the hoof this summer,as I'm gonna be forced to learn sports I already know how to play,which will DEVISTATE the family budget!!!!YAAAAAAAAAY!!Not.Anyway.wish me luck.
"There's 104 days in summer vacation..."Well,if Phineas and Ferb have 104 days in THEIR summer,I decided to see if we were getting a fair balance.APparently not.I looked at the calendar,and found that there are 95 days in MY summer,and,as you saw above,the first few weeks will be yused to churn sweat out of me.
Pretty sad,huh?